June Channeled Message

Channelled Message for June from the 13 Masters of Light

Be the change you wish to see. Although an overused phrase you are well acquainted with – we ask you in this moment, is this how your are carrying your light? In the face of all that tangles itself to you in your reality, are you still this light? In the depths of your greatest challenge, can you retain this light? Great fervour of this light is delivered to you by maintaining it in your frequency despite outward occurrences. How do you know yourself as this light? Can you see through the eyes of love without judgement? Do you reach for the higher perspective first before reacting? Are you anchored in the heart as your traverse this human experience that is serving you everything you need to elevate your frequency and expand into more of your true potential? The tendency of the human experience is to draw us into a web of discordant frequencies by retraining ourselves back into that which we have stepped out of. Engaging in the narrative playing out before you, allowing your foundations to be shaken and stirred out of the values and frequency of the true self. Become heart led above all else. Recognise the traps of this reality to flip you out of your precious frequency, as this contains access to your full power.


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