The changing of the tides is upon us now, as we step through into the precipice of a new time where all shall flourish and be as One. The divine oneness that pervades all things is coming online once again. Breathe slowing now into the resonance of this energy. welcome the divine templates of great origins been and gone, energetically encoded in the divine matrices and grids to be collected by you at this time. Let everywhere you go be an activation of the divine. Let everything you do be sacred as the One. As you embark on the resurrection of your divine human, it is time to re-know yourself as new. Let every moment of every day remind you of the eternal now, which is the energetic access point to your true nature. To the master that you truly are. Wielding the winds of time, activating in divine service and creating for the love of god. Draw the extended and expanded rainbow codes into your field. Affirm your divine knowing. And allow the new energies to flow through you as you anchor these on the planet at this time. You are the living example of light like no other. You are a blueprint of beauty and grace. Encapsulating the wisdom of ages, with truth, alignment and divine justice for all.